I know for a fact that each and every hour you invest into this game will be worth it. Overall, you’ll need to dedicate 150+ hours towards GTA V in order to see the game complete. Please take note however, that GTA Online does not launch until October 1st. Achievement wise, your time will be split pretty evenly between the Single Player portion of the game, and the Multiplayer portion of the game: GTA Online. Unlike previous titles, the entirety of San Andreas (Los Santos and Blaine County) is open from the start, so you can choose to explore the world before taking on the Single Player missions, side activities, and everything else San Andreas has to offer. The game is presented in an open world format, which can be freely roamed at your own pace. Set in the state of San Andreas, GTA V follows the story of three very different men as they pursue the criminal underworld in pursuit of man’s greatest goal: lots and lots of money. Ladies and gentlemen, Grand Theft Auto V is here and it is certainly the most phenomenal game that the year has to offer. Do cheat codes disable achievements: Yes, cheats will disable achievements for that session. Number of missable achievements: Six (Please check the "WARNING" in the Roadmap below - TP Industries Arms Race, Red Mist, Kifflom!, Three Man Army, Altruist Acolyte, & Wanted: Alive or Alive.)